Tuesday, February 1, 2022

100 Ways to Get Inspired to Write an Amazing Story - Introduction

About the Author

    Hello! My name is Jacquelin, but most call me Jackie. I am a writer, writing coach and an editor. I am passionate about the written word and language in general. I am chronically ill and have many learning disabilities, dyslexia of language and math being a couple of them.

     I was blessed with parents and friends who helped me get to where I am today. If it wasn't for them, and the perseverance and hard work on my part, I wouldn't have graduated college with two degrees, one in English and the other in Arts and Humanites. Nor would I be doing what I am with my business or life. 

    I want to give back what I was given while growing up; patience, encouragement and support. I want to help anyone who has a story and wants to get it out into the world because all stories are important, both fiction and non-fiction. Stories are also important in all areas of life; in business, learning, etc.    

100 Ways to Get Inspired Introduction

    Inspiration needs to be attainable for anyone who does things in the artistic realm; and yes, this also includes content development. I have created this series to help guide you to the right type of art-inducing, idea-building sources that you need for your project. This includes many things, from visual arts to your own experiences. This world is filled with inspiration, it just depends on where you look for it.

    If we didn’t have inspiration, we wouldn’t have the stories we have today. For example, if Mary Shelley hadn’t been inspired by the feelings around her and the nightmare she had, Frankenstein would still be an unused idea and no one would have learned the story of Victor and the monster he created. The same goes for Lord of the Rings series and the Star Wars trilogy. We wouldn’t have paintings, films or even articles about academic topics if inspiration didn’t exist.

    This series will focus on the different sources and how you can use them. It will also give you ideas and exercises so you can practice. Yes, inspiration can come spontaneously as we walk through life, but most of the time it has to be sought. With this, there has to be practice like with anything we do. We need to train ourselves to recognize something inspirational, this does come easily for some but most find it hard.

    Every person is different and don’t feel bad if it takes some time to learn the ropes or it takes time to get inspired. Also, remember that everyone has different tastes and so not every of these sources will work for someone so don’t feel bad if you feel turned off by a source or you don’t find something inspirational. Give yourself freedom and time to learn and have fun, this isn’t supposed to be stressful or make you feel bad about yourself.

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